Monday, April 9, 2012

Its Not Just A Game Its A Religion

28 years of long wait for nation where its not just a game it’s a religion ,sixth attempt for the person who is the God of this religion ,for 21 years  the maestro lived a dream ,can he achieve that ultimate glory…can  the men in blue finish off the job this time which was left in 2003….”this was my punch line for world cup 2011 which have got emotions involved in it and the popularity which these lines gained says it all .

India is the land of festivity, unity in diversity is the one principle which makes us unique. India is the only country where people of different religion lives together and it also cannot be denied that Cricket is one religion which binds people of all this religion together ,and the cricketer are their god ,people have a string belief in this game ,Cricket is the maximum followed ,maximum taught ,maximum watched, maximum listened and maximum talked religion in India .The inclinational towards the game is so high that the first toy which almost all children get in their childhood in this county is bat and ball and cricket is the first game which game they learn to play .Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar is the most followed God of religion ,his every run is nations run , peoples take part with him in his every moment of life. The way how a person with a game like cricket can unite a nation which is having different religions is itself a matter of inspiration .One may have different business strategy ,one may have different field of work ,Politicians may stand against each other but Together We Stand For Cricket .

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